
"I just wanted to inform you that I did receive the Book of Common Prayer you sent to me. I rushed right out the door to two events in a row, and did not have time to send you a message. I did not use it at Ft. Niagara, as I portray a French soldier, and thus went to mass on Sunday morning. Father Don is very tolerant, but there are limits! I did conduct a brief Church Parade for the Brigade of the American Revolution event at Ft. Laurens, Ohio. I do assure everyone that since I'm not ordained they get no sacraments, and since I'm not paid, they get no sermon! If they want to make an offering, they know where to do that when they get home. I never question who does or does not attend, as I'm not the One taking attendance. I read the service for morning prayer with the appropriate scriptures, and sometimes throw in a hymn. I've had compliments, and no complaints, and in either case, I refer them to the Author. I just read it, folks!  Thanks so much! I remain, Yr. Moft Humble & Obedt. Servant, Bruce Egli"

"I wanted to let ye know both books arrived safely. They are absolutely stunning! Thank ye so very much for such a tremendous blessing. May God bless ye abundantly in return for such wonderful ministering tools! I can hardly wait to bring them to their first event!" John Sterling

"Gorgeous, BEAUTIFUL BIBLE. I love the way it lays flat when you open it, and the soft leather, and your generosity in sending yours off to make sure it would arrive in time. THANK YOU!"  James Patrick Riley

I received your package by post yesterday and am both amazed and blessed! The books are gorgeous! As I said before, I have a 1611 facimile but the binding is not period. Now I own one!!! Thank you very much! These books will all be used. I was singing through some hymns just yesterday from the hymnal, and the Cutts is very interesting. I attempt to navigate through The Word each year using a different version. You have given me the bible for next year. It fhall bee quite ann interefting iourny. Thank you very much for your contribution to our craft. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Your humble obedient servant, Chuck Arney

“The package arrived today and everything looks great. This full bible (OT & NT) is the best I have ever seen. I don't know how large the demand for them is, but I know it will increase when I show it off at Fort Frederick. Thank you for your kindness, I will put it to use just as you intended.”  Tad Miller

“I received today, as a generous and unexpected gift from our benefactor, Bible Man, one of the most beautiful little books I've ever held. This 1697 edition of Playford's Psalms & Hymns is so stunning I've not been able to put it down. And as a New England Congregationalist, I have a special place for John Playford, as did my forebears in the meetinghouse, who, even though Playford was not a Puritan, so adored his tunes and his works (even if they wouldn't sing the hymns in Sabbath service), that their 1698 edition of The Bay Psalm Book used Playford's tunes. His epic work, "A Breefe Introduction to the Skill of Musick" (London, 1654), was a standard music and dance book for the New Englanders, and was used as a virtual textbook to reform congregational singing in the early-mid-1700s. In the 1721, Reverend John Tufts of Newburyport, MA, used the three-part tunes from the 1677 edition of Playford's Psalter in his own tiny Psalm book, which was used to teach Playford's method of the new style of congregational singing to New Englanders. The New Englander ministers even tolerated "mixt dancing" to music they considered appropriate, which included Playford's "The English Dancing Master" (1651). His Psalter/Hymnal was used by Anglicans on both sides of the Atlantic (Jefferson even owned one as late as 1783), and his work was well-known and well-respected within the Congregational Church throughout the colonial-era.
And now I own one. What a lovely little book; it certainly ranks among James' finest works for craftsmanship. Thank you, brother, for your dedication and your willingness to be used by God for this ministry.”Myric McBain

“Thank you so much for the Wyatts’ Hymnal!!!! It was the first thing Jane handed me as I arrived and I immediately placed it next to its brother! It is lovely, and matching the Playford Psalm book is so neat....perfect for transport! I am thinking to make a fitted soft leather pouch with strap for carrying them snugged together…”  Michael Thompson, Cincinnati, Ohio

“When we returned from the funeral in Birmingham on Saturday, I was delighted to find that my Bible had arrived earlier than anticipated!!!!  Thank you so very much.  I have already put it in its place in my 18th century library/display. I will enjoy using it as a witness for our Lord Jesus Christ & at living history events.  I do appreciate your thoughtfulness, as well as the high quality of 18th century work.”

“I want  to express my admiration and thanks for what you do. I've seen your work and am not only impressed but grateful that someone would go to the lengths you do to accurately and tangibly reproduce the literature and Scripture of the American Colonial Church.” John Breeding Fort Collins, CO

“Words are inadequate to express my growing appreciation for all that you are doing through the ministry of 18th Century Bibles.  You have opened new doors of possibility & have introduced me to period-correct resources which continue to enhance my ministry through living history events.  May God richly bless you & all who participate directly or indirectly through what you are undertaking.  I consider it a sacred privilege to be in fellowship with you & all the others. Please let me know if I can be of help in any way.” Yours in Christ, George Cobb

“I received your package and was delighted and overwhelmed by your generosity in its contents... it was like receiving multiple Christmas presents... absolutely fantastic.  Beautifully done. You are a blessing to your calling and to all of us in the world of re-enacting. Thank you just does not seem adequate. I only pray that I can be as much of a blessing to others as you have been to me.  May you receive the gifts of love, joy, peace and hope in this New Year.” Cheers, Nick Wells, Canada

“Just got in a little bit ago and to my absolute delight your package was awaiting me! Thank you so much for the promptness of delivery. This BCP looks great. The binding and the content are beautifully married to create an absolute masterpiece.  This is a remarkable volume of which I will be most honored and proud to share with those who seek common worship in a historical setting.  I have many historical Books of Common Prayer in my collection, this one however, takes center stage...May God continue to bless you.”  Again, thank you so much.  Peace and prayers, Steve DelSignore

“I am not sure if I ever provided you with a picture of your 1733 new testament in use.  Attached is a photo of mine in use, preaching an original 1741 sermon at the Shenandoah Longrifles camp in September of 2010 near Berkley Springs, WV.  I have used the sermons and the bible on three occasions so far, with some of the general public in attendance at my last event at Belle Grove Plantation (an interesting outdoor service in 30 degree weather with a nice breeze!).  Having experienced the period sermons, my organization is now very keen to have a Sunday service at all events.  Thanks again for your assistance in spreading His word! As an aside, your marbled papers are absolutely beautiful!  They are even better than the ones I have looked at in Williamsburg.  I follow you on Facebook, and have told many others of your work.  Continue on, sir, as your work is very much appreciated by so many people.  Your bibles touch many people with whom you may never be in contact.  As soon as funds permit, I will be ordering a hymnal, as I intend to expand my services next year to include music.  I will also want another bible when the old testament is completed. I wish you and your family a happy and safe Christmas, and all of the blessings of the Savior.” Your servant in Christ, Bob Hotchkiss

“My name is Jeffrey Greene, but I am known in the reenactment community as Captain Midnight. I am an 18th century pirate reenactor. You may not remember me, but a year or so ago, you sent me one of your beautiful bibles as a special gift, at no cost to me, along with one of the nicest messages I have ever received from anyone. You told me in your letter that God had told you to send that bible to me, and that the only thing you asked in return was that I carry it with me to every reenactment I attend, and to make a photograph of myself with your bible and send to you. Well, sir, I am long overdue, but your bible traveled along with me to the Tybee Island Pirate Festival a week ago, and it is being made ready to take to the Southern Pirate Festival in Columbus, Georgia on the 23rd of this month. Also, I am attaching a photograph of myself reading your bible in front of the famous Pirate's House in Savannah, Georgia. It is the oldest standing structure in the state of Georgia, and was actually used as a tavern and pirate hangout in the 1700's. It is also where the fictional Captain Flint passed away in the story of Treasure Island, according to Robert Louis Stevenson. I hope that you will like it, and perhaps include me on your website along with all of the other fine people who own your bibles. Yes, even pirates love Jesus. (This one certainly does!)  I simply cannot thank you enough for the Bible. It is a truly magnificent piece of artwork, and it is indeed very precious to me, not only because of our Lord's message inside, but because of the nature of its being gifted to me. I have never had a perfect stranger do something so wondrously kind for me as you did by giving me that bible. It brings tears to my eyes every time I even think about it. Sometimes I just like to hold the book in my hands and stroke its soft leather cover, and sometimes when I read God's word inside its covers, I will reverently kiss the words with my lips because of the loving promises that it holds for me. I truly do not think that anyone could ever have done anything nicer for me, and I will never, ever, forget your kindness. Thank you again so very much, my friend, and God bless you, sir.” Kindest regards, Captain Midnight

“This Bible has been a great blessing to us! It goes with us wherever we go. It is beautiful, & smells great too! It does us well to know that it was handmade from one of our close friends!!” David Gillespie 

“My wife Patty and I really enjoy reading our 1733 Testament. Thank you for helping us share in Gods Love, Grace and his word.” Bill Butler

 “For this year's re-enactment of the March to King's Mountain (which took place in 1780) I have been assembling copies of the 1733 Gospel of John to distribute to participants dressed in appropriate historical clothing. I have now cut, sorted, & assembled 32 copies, except for sewing. After I "SEW" the WORD, I shall "SOW" the Word! Although it is time-consuming to work on the Scripture portions, it is very fulfilling; it makes me appreciate all the work which Bible Man & Jeff Talley do behind the scenes. Furthermore, it reveals what a time-consuming process was involved in making Bibles available in earlier centuries. As I portray the Rev. Samuel Doak during the coming event, it will be a sacred privilege to distribute John's Gospel to my "frontier" congregation! Please pray that the Word which is sown will take root in their hearts!” George Cobb

“My Bible arrived while I was out sharing in a revival. I was so pleased when I got home. Thank you for you recommendation on which Bible I could choose. Besides all the beautiful elements of the leather and marbled end pages, the font is more readable than another historical Bible I have. I am going to carry it and use it as oft as I can to get it broke in and gain a familiarity with its layout. Thank you for doing this good work in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will be ordering a Book of Common Prayer and other tracks as soon. I attached a photo of me leading a service at Fort Fred Market Faire.” Roy Gearhart

“Just received my copy of the 1733 Bible today. It is a piece of art. Your are truly a craftsman, with a truly worthy cause. Thank you for the copy of Dr. Byles pamphlet. As a member of Aldens 6th Mass. a pamphlet printed in Boston such as this would have been within my realm of reading. I might be half starved and naked in the service of my country, but I'm well read! It will go into my bedroll along side Tom Paine. The Bible will travel with me anywhere I go. I will send along a period picture as soon as I can. Thank you again.” Sincerely, Greg Daly New York

“You make the hobby unique.” Sincerely, David N. VanMeter, Ohio

“...your stuff is beautiful! .... Anyhow, thank you very much, and I do hope this finds you well.  Thank you so much for the amazing work you do... it is indeed a well and fitting tribute.” Jennifer

“I am very proud that you are using my leather to create his 18th Century Bibles. It pleases me that my leather and buckskin is used for such a great purpose. All my leather is hand worked with beam and fleshing tool. I use actual animal brain to tan buckskin and smoke in a traditional manner also.  For barktan I use real bark, no chemicals, and I curry with a glass tool as original bark tan was curried.  I have tanned different skins , deer skin is most common, but antelope, big horn, elk, lamb, and goat I have also worked with. Buffalo is one of my favorites and I normally work at least one buffalo robe each year. A few fur bearing animals fall into my shop and I love working with fur as well.” Again, Thanks for the beautiful Bibles. Allen Harrison

“I am among others that are so very grateful to you for the work you have done over the years. God has used you to get His word into the hands of a LOT of reenactors.... I'm praying you can continue....”  Frank,  Parson John, Association of Historical Circuit Riders

“the work you have been doing for God has been wonderful . i to will be praying that you can continue .and thank you for being the servant he called you to be” curt, Preacher Curt, Association of Historical Circuit Riders

“I received the bible and prayer book last week... The books are beautiful works of art and I can't thank you enough for them. The printing is so clear and the leather covers and binding just make you want to pick them up and read them. I am certain they will enhance any reenactment that I attend. Thank you also for your kind inclusion of the notebook and the tracts both interesting and very relevant to my period.  Hopefully we will meet up in Scotland one day and have the chance to talk more.  I will get some pictures taken with me using the prayer book and the New Testament  at the next event I attend and send them on to you in appreciation.”, Neil Johnston, Scotland, UK

“Well, imagine my surprise when I came home this morning, and found my new BCP awaiting me in the mail.  It is beautiful, a joy to hold and to behold.  Thanks so much for getting it right out to me- I appreciate that little bit of customer service ever so much! Thanks again for your fine work and your dedication to the Scriptures.” Bill Ochester, Philadelphia

I rec'd the prayer book in this morning's posts.  Thank you for your stunning craftsmanship, dedication to authenticity and customer service!  I now look forward to ordering a bible one day! Tom Clegg

“I am appreciative of the work you do. I not only speak of the fine craftsmanship but of the Word of God to be used in our hobby as well as in our everyday life. I have accepted Christ but have fallen away. Your site is a blessing.  He blesses me though I am not worthy.”  Dennis

“Thank you once again for your kindness. There will always be a true Highland welcome at our home for you, any time you are here in Scotland, we would be honoured to entertain you.  I am really looking forward to receiving the books and be sure that they will have pride of place in my re-enactment pack as well as my bookshelves. The Book of Common Prayer will be very interesting as the Scottish Jacobite troops were mainly Episcopalian so it should be very relevant to that impression.  I will be back in touch once the parcel arrives Nár lagaí Dia do lámh!  (may God never weaken your hand)”  Thank you again, Neil Johnston, Edinburgh, Scotland

“I gave my first service on Memorial day weekend, using my 1733 bible, for the Shenandoah Long Rifles in Virginia.  The service was a wonderful experience both for me and for our members.  Thanks for helping the Lord reach back for these folks from 200 + years ago!  With your bible and with some of the wonderful original sermons, people in the camps are coming to God, and have made it clear that they want these services regularly.  Praise be to Him for your ministry!” Bob Hotchkiss

“The Book of Common Prayer I received from you yesterday is absolutely stunning..... Thanks so much for the work you do and the standards you uphold.  I look forward to using it this summer.”  Frank, Parson John, Association of Historical Circuit Riders

“Box received and the Book of Common Prayer and the New Testament are absolutely amazing – even more beautiful than the photos.  I am at Gunston Hall this weekend and will have a photo taken of me with the Bible.  Thank you so much!” Kimberly K. Walters

“Hello!  I LOVE your work.  Absolutely amazing.  I showed it to several people at Gunston Hall this past weekend as well as the General Washington I interpret with.  He said it was the best item he has seen me purchase to date.  I agree.  He is going to use the bible and book of Common Prayer in his interpretation – as supposedly GW had a book of Common Prayer given to him when he was young.  So he is excited about them.”  Kim Walters

“I too received my Book of Common Prayer on Monday last, you are too kind Sir!  You may be gratified to know that I have images of said book now within my journal, should anyone wish to have a more detail'd look at the beautiful workmanship.  I wish you every felicity Sir and know that I am, Yr Humble & Most Obt Svt”  The Doctor 

“The Book of Common Prayer arrived this day....I have been looking it over, and must tell you that it is absolutely wonderful! I am thrilled beyond belief! The cover just blew me away with its elegance and simple beauty; ultimate class act. Thanks so much for offering it. I am sure it will add to our Divine Service and Sermon we do now in ways I have not yet begun to comprehend...and I am sure others will order when they see mine. I wish my father-in-law was still alive to see it. He was a Presbyterian minister, and would very much appreciate this. Anglican or not, my minister will love it, too (another Presbyterian!).” Thank you, again!  Mike Slease

Yesterday I received the deer hide covered bible and it is an amazing work of art, the picture just did not do it justice.  It was worth every penny of the investment.  As you said the cover does have a likely representation of the American north east….wow, wow.  I will cherish this as a family heirloom, thank you so much.  I appreciate your work.” Blessings on you, Dave Lepley

“Received it!!! WOW!!!  I am speechless, this is a VERY cool thing and I will cherish it.  I have already skimmed through to a few chapters that I have always held as favorites and read those.  I am especially keen on the maps in the back...WAY cool.  Anyway, I will get some photos taken in period clothing when the cold snap leaves.  We topped out at a balmy -5 F today and it looks to stay that way and colder for the next few days. When it warms up to wear something more than a pile of blankets, I will head out for a photo.” Thanks again!  Isaac Walters

“Words are inadequate to express my appreciation for the 1733 KJV New Testament and all the other period publications.  Your thoughtfulness and generosity are beyond measure.  I shall treasure all these gifts and the spirit in which they are given..  They will definitely enhance my 18th century portrayals.  I do look forward to meeting you in person, for I welcome your friendship, and I offer mine in return.” George Cobb, D.D., Alabama

“i got  the bible in the mail today. all i can say is you are a true craftsman. very nice work.  i can't wait to show it off.  it has been raining here but when the weather clears up i'll have a picture taken of me with my bible and email it to you for your web site.  thanks for a good trade.” buckskin billy, Louisiana

“I don't know what more to say than Wow!  Over the years of this hobby I have bought enough "things" to "look the part".  My experience has been that when I've ordered something through the internet/mail, I am always a little disappointed with the quality and/or workmanship when the product arrives.  This week was different.  I ordered a pair of stockings from Chris Utley and was extremely pleased by them.  The last night I get home and find a package in the mail box for me.  I opened it and found a NT Bible with incredible workmanship.  I have to tell you, the Bible I received is beyond anything I expected.  The quality is wonderful.  I used it for devotions last night.  I can't thank you enough.” Tim Richards, Michigan

“As a believer in Jesus Christ, A professional graphic designer/art director & life long student of typography, and a lover of history, I applaud your efforts... The pamphlet I received is a treasure of typography...My eyes move across the page with those beautiful ligatures, and careful kerning, and the words flow into my mind like a clear, clean mountain stream. I can visualize the gent painstakingly setting this type---my eyes hurt thinking about it.   The sermon is truly a glimpse through time into the minds of the people we are trying to portray... In my profession, the computer is a great time saving and creative tool, and also a terrible curse. It has revolutionized the graphic design industry, and at the same time it has pretty much destroyed and devalued the subtle and wonderful art of typography.”  Bless you sir, Ken Parther

“I showed the Bible to my wife and told her I was going to keep it in my haversack.   That way I will always have it at rendezvous and she said I couldn't.  It was much too pretty to keep put away in my haversack.  She has it proudly displayed in our living room on our coffee table.  We have our house decorated in western and native american as well as some of my braintan work and it fits in with all of it very well. I made her promise me that I can take it with me to rendezvous and she agreed. So i must say that me and my wife are very proud of OUR new bible.  I'll send pictures of me in my "garb" as soon as all of this rain lets up.”Buckshin Billy

“I just received the Bible you sent for me.  It is beautiful, I am so excited to give it to my husband, but he will have to wait for Christmas.  You did a wonderful job.”

“You are an inspiration to me and my wife Bible Man! We thank you so much for the copy of God's Word we got from you. His word will not return unto him void! Long let the name of Jesus Christ permeate our thoughts, and lives. We will enjoy reading through this New Testament, and think of all the other precious people whose lives will be changed through your ministry! SOLA SCRIPTURA!” David Gillespie, Pumpkintown Primitives, South Carolina

“The Bible and other material came in today.  You have outdone yourself.  It really looks beautiful.” Bob Hotchkiss

“We were just at Ft. Toulouse in Wetumpka Alabama.  We met a young man who gave us one of your booklets.  We wanted to say thank you for the booklet and we will be praying for you and your wife.  God bless you in your ministry.” Chuck and Jane Snow, Pastor Shady Grove Church, Alabama

“Everyone that sees your work just loves these books! Our pastor has been reading your newsletter. I saw where you may have a possibility of doing a George Whitefield pamphlet. Let me know if you ever do! I Love the George Whitefield Stuff!   We are praying to the Lord to sustain your health Bible Man.” We love you and Praise God For You!  In Christ, David Gillespie, South Carolina

“Received the Bibles today and am very pleased. One is a gift.  Will forward pictures as soon as the gift is given.”  Carl Foreman, California

Thank you for your very kind and generous donation of the Bible.  It will see good use during our garrison programs.  Jeff Wells, Park Manager, Fort Loudoun State Historic Area

Recently, we were visiting with our friend Steve Caudill and our discussion was on our Lord Jesus. During that time I commented that I wanted to purchase one of your Bibles for me and my family. Steve just smiled and said the Lord brought you here for a reason today. He then proceeded to tell me of the Bibles that you entrusted to him to pass on to reenactors.  He said that he had one left and he would mail it to us when he got back home. One week from the day of that conversation, on my 42nd birthday, the Bible arrived by post.  What a beautiful work of craftsmanship. You are gifted and putting that gift to great use. May the Lord bless you for your faithful service to the advancement of his kingdom., Daniel Harmeson, Indiana

Received the New Testament, Proverbs, & John, in excellent condition.  I am having my daughter take my picture this week, so I will get that to you.  I have been showing everyone your Bibles.  I am really pleased with them.  Thank you, Erick

I just received an incredible gift today in the form of your leather bound 1733 New Testament!  I must say I feel humbled at receiving such an incredible gift.  The leather is beautiful, the workmanship excellent, the words true and everlasting, Mathew 24:35.  Please accept my sincere thank you for your gift, and thank you for your ministry as well. It truly is a labor of love.  I will cherish this Bible and carry it always. In addition, I will use the photo and the card to remind me to pray for you each day.  I will forward a photo of myself with my new Bible in short order.  Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. May the Lord richly bless you for the work you are doing for him. In Christian Love, Douglas Swartz

I received your beautiful Bible today and I must say you took me by surprise. I cannot thank you enough for such a lovely gift and I will surely get you a pic of me in my primitive attire holding it. God’s blessings to you and your family, Dave Muns

I am this day in receipt of an authentic 1759 pamphlet. I am in awe as I was expecting one piece of modern copy paper or an attachment to an email. You went to great expense to send this wonderful item to me by post. It is with much appreciation that I will read and enjoy this fine gift. Thanking you very much I am, Your humble servant, James Rogers, Appomattox, VA

I am in receipt of the fine New Testament which you have sent to me. I cannot thank you enough, for the gift of the Word is the greatest gift of all.  God Bless, Matt Bryant

Thanks again for the Bible. Patty has shown it to everyone, even at church. Our pastor really liked it to. It was our pleasure meeting you and May God Richly Bless You. Bill & Patty Butler  

My military unit has selected someone else to be sergeant next season, which frees me up for other roles.  Since a wrist injury keeps me out of the line I think I will continue to develop my role as the unit's chaplain.  I find the materials that you make available have inspired to share the Word with others.  I must say I think it has made a difference in some of the reenactors I have preached to.  Let's hope I can continue to make a difference next year too.  Bible Man’s response:  So God had to break your wrist to get you to be the chaplain?  

I received my Bible and sermons today, and I am very pleased.  I will most definitely use the sermons in my teaching as Franklin.  As you know, that type of "job work" was a staple of Franklin's shop for many years.  I often talk about Poor Richard's, as well as other 18th C printed material, and i love to have examples to show.  I will be downtown in character tomorrow night, at Independence Hall, and I might possibly have someone photograph  me there.  It depends upon several factors, but I promise that I will get a picture to you over the next several weeks.Thanks again for your fine work.  Bill Ochester

I just wanted you to know that what Jeff, Polly, and you do makes a difference.  By now there must be thousands of your Bibles and pamphlets in circulation.  Everyone of them helps bring someone closer to God.  And many of those people are emboldened to bring more people to God.  I know that is the case with me.  Ministries can be expensive, but I am sure you know that already.  Please accept this encouragement to help keep your ministry going.  Yours, Tad

The package arrived today in good order.  The Bible is better looking & better feeling in the hand than I could have imagined! Thank you so much. (& thanks for the x-tra goodies too) David Martin

The Bible arrived and I wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your work.  Truly a work of art.  I also wanted to thank you for including the pamphlets for me.  You were great and Josh was VERY happy with his new Bible.  You’ll be hearing from me soon so I can get mine!   As soon as we get some pics with them I’ll get them to you.  Thanks!  Kelly

I am sending you a photo of some of your customers with their bibles.  It was taken last weekend at Fort Ligonier, Pennsylvania.  On Sunday morning the three of us gave a prayer service for our fellow reenactors.  Mike Slease read the Articles of War and then read Proverbs XX from one of your leather bound Proverbs.  Then Darrell Martin read from 2 Corinthians, chapter X from one of your Bibles.  I gave the sermon, with your Bible in my hands.  Your ministry is making a difference.  I don't think I would have ever done a prayer service without your encouragement.  Now I have done three services and I have had members of my unit tell me they were disappointed when I was not there on a Sunday to give a service.  I have you to thank for that. Tad Miller

Since we last chatted I have done two more prayer services, one at Old Bedford Village in Pennsylvania and one at Fort Frederick in Maryland.  As a Catholic boy I never had much of a familiarization with the Book of Common Prayer, but I am gaining quite an appreciation for it now.  My wife and I picked up a copy of it about ten years ago at Williamsburg.  At the time, they were selling some very nice facsimile editions of it and of the Holy Bible.  They were after hours projects of their book binders and nice, but pricey, products.  The Book of Common Prayer makes it much easier to set up the service with the readings and suggested prayers already laid out.  What I really need now is a hymn that is reasonably priced.  Right now I search through hymnals at home looking for the combination of the right date for the words, with luck a right date for the music, and some hope that people will recognized the song.  It would be nice to have a couple of dozen hymnals to put in the pews, benches, ground, what ever I have to work with.  Tad Miller

I just got the Bibles in the mail today and I am still in shock!  These are really, truly grand!  I was so surprised at the second Bible that was enclosed and signed.  I am truly touched by it and will cherish it always. When I give my wife hers on her 50th birthday on the 28th of this month I will insist that when we go to church that these will attend with us on every trip to worship.  I know she will love hers as much as I like the one you have gifted me.  It is really touching to me to know there are still folks out there who care so much for other folks.  In Diane’s and my job we see so much bad in people that at times we have to stop and think and remember there are still people out there who care. I think that is why we love attending the 18th century events so much and I look forward to the time when I can meet you both and thank you in person for the wonderful gift that you have given me. Again, I can not tell you enough how much I appreciate the gift of the Bible. Every time I attend service or pick up the Bible I will remember your kindness.  I look forward to the day in which we can meet. Thank your and God bless you for the things you are doing  Richard and Diane George  P/S Can't wait to get that 18th century photo taken to send to you !

I have had the opportunity to use my 1733 New Testament a number of times in Worship, and in camp.  It is always a topic of conversation by those who ask.  I am grateful for your ministry in providing a quality, and much needed Bible for us who seriously do "Living History".  Thank you.  I am waiting "impatiently" for the Old Testament to match, and tell you that I am, dear sir, most affectionately, your very humble servant,  Faithfully, Rev Sigmund   aka “ The Rev. Mr. Benja Balch”

I would like to receive your 18th century Bible Newsletter.  By the way, in April I gave a Proverbs to a reenacting friend of mine and a John to her daughter.  Last week she asked if could get a John for herself.  She went to program on dramatic presentations of biblical stories.  She wants to do a program based on The Gospel on John.  She will use it in her prison ministry and maybe at reenactments.  I, of course, gave her one.
I must say that you have done a great service to the reenacting community by printing 18th century religious material.  I know that I have gotten great use and inspiration from it.  My friends have enjoyed reading what you have produced.  At Fort Niagara last weekend I used your Bible for the New Testament reading for the Protestant church service (our ordained minister conducted the service). Thank you for all your hard work.  Tad Miller  

I am speechless......  How can I thank you? If this is your idea of "Some free stuff.", I can't imagine if you decided to send someone "something special". The bible is absolutely great, as are the pamphlets. I can't say I have nothing to read now. I do 18th cent. woodworking, and there is nothing I make to equal your kind gift. I have the return address from the package and I will be sending you something in the future that I hope you can use. Thanks again, YMHS, Clark Schoonover

I’m extremely delighted with the quality, look & feel of this bible.  Great Job!! Bill Dendy

The Bibles at 18thcenturybibles. com look to be really fine, much better than the average reproduction texts that we mostly see as they clean them up on the computer. As they state on their web site, they offer an average period Bible such as would have been found in an average setting of the period.  As an owner of one of the above bibles, I can tell you that they are lovely, a fine piece of work. If the binding is not period correct, I do not have the expertise to know that, but to my uneducated eye it does look like the period books I have seen…if you want to own a reproduction period New Testament (which is what I have).  Cate Crown, Regt v Knyphausen, BAR Board Member at Large

I am much obliged for your worth contribution to my library.  As you have refused silver as recompense, may I reciprocate by adding to your library these small unworthy tomes.  Your most humble servant, Russ Young

General Andrew Jackson:  Gospels provided to Militia:  Members of the 2nd Tennessee Militia were presented with the Gospel of St. John at the muster on 4 October, 2009 at Fort Jackson in the Mississippi Territory.  The Gospels were provided by the Honorable Bible Man of Bowling Green, Kentucky.  Speaking on behalf of the company, Sgt. Lee Lehman expressed thanks for the gift that will help to encourage the spiritual life of all the members of the militia.  

What a wonderful encouragement your beautiful binding of our scriptures is.  Thank you so much for these Bibles.  They will bless the lives of everyone who receives them.  There is nothing more rewarding than knowing God is using your prayers and gifts, to help us carry the gospel of His redemptive love...A new season is upon us and we are trusting Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to reach more souls for His harvest.  Please pray to this end.  In His service, Parson Jim Burow

God bless your ministry...Your Bibles are a labor of love and such a needed improvement to the reneactors lives wither in character or in everyday life.  What love you have that you print these great Bibles and sermons.   I married a couple in the 18th century style last summer at David Wright's, that was awesome, hope to see you soon.  God Bless You, Andrew Ward, Bledsoe's Station

Today we celebrated our Patriots Day observances. Our service was attended by many in period attire.  It was my first opportunity to show off your beautiful handiwork. Please know my fellow reenactors were very pleased and most impressed with the leather bound NT and prayer book.  God has truly given you a great gift. We are all blessed to be recipients of your talents.  Attached is a photo from today's service. Thank you once again.  In Chirst's service,  The Rev. Stephen DelSignore, St. Andrew's Traditional Anglican Church, Middleboro, Mass.

I am Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion Pennsylvania Regiment of Foote, "The Augusta Regiment", Burd's Co'y. The officer with the red lapels is Captain Lynn Otto, of the First Battalion Pennsylvania Regiment of Foote, Weiser's Battalion, and the other officer is my Lieutenant Alan Hackenburg.  We used my new Proverbs and New Testament in the service.   As I explained to you before, we always do Divine Service and Sermon on Sundays when we are at an event, and invite the public to attend a "Proper Mid-18th Century Military Garrison or Field Service and Sermon", as ordained by King George II in the Articles of War, Article I, Section I, which is always read in its entirety before the Service.  In addition to the 30 or so soldiers, we had several of our camp followers and civilian dependents, with about 50+ attending public visitors, so there was about 85-90 people at this Sermon and Service.  The Sermons are too long for this setting, but I intend to use them at an appropriate time and place this Campaign Season.  I found them very interesting and unique, for which I heartily thank you for sending along with the Catechism. Accept then, Good and Kind Sir, my earnest wishes for Your Prosperity,and think of me with ye truest esteem, Being most sincerely, My dear Sir, Your most Loyal Friend and Your Honour's Obe't humble Serv't, Captain Michael Slease, North of Fort Augusta at ye Forks, of ye Sasque Hanna R., Near ye Mouth of ye Chillisquaque Creek

The Bible and the Proverbs are magnificent, and I cannot begin to thank you enough. I deeply appreciate the trust and honor that you bestowed upon me.  Thank you again, Your Most Obdt. Svt, Keith Bragg

I cannot express my gratitude enough for the gift of the Bible. It is wonderful. Your work is incredible.  I will for sure get some images of me with the bible and send them to you, not sure when this will happen, likely within the month as I will be dressed for several "gigs" coming up, mostly local talks, both as gentleman trader and  fur trade laborer.  I'll send both persona to you.  I cannot wait to show my Boss at work your talents. The National Park here may even need some of your talents, besides the demo we discussed earlier some time.  Anyway, thank you again so much, I am truly honored my friend.  It was quite a pleasant surprise and made my day, I sat reading it last night. I am your friend, indebted to you, Karl A. Koster

I was completely and utterly surprised today to come home from work and find one of your Bibles in my mail box!  Wow!  I am so greatly honored and humbled that you would think so much of me that you would spend so much of your valuable time to create such a priceless treasure for me. I simply don't know what to say other than thank you so much! Your gift of that Bible is quite possibly the nicest, kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I will never forget your kindness and friendship, and I will treasure and cherish that Bible for the rest of my life. I don't have a lot of money, but if ever there is any way that I could repay your kindness, I will be so very glad to do so!   I would help you in any way I possibly can.  I have never seen a book so beautifully and expertly crafted. Your skills are definitely a true blessing from God, and His love and glory show through the product of your hands. Thank you again, my friend, for your wonderful gift. If ever we attend the same event, I shall make it a point to come and visit with you and shake your hand. Not only do I have a cherished new gift, but I also have a treasured new friend. God Bless you! Kindest regards, Jeffrey L. Greene, "Captain Midnight" P.S. I will indeed send you photos of me with your Bible. I have been wanting to take some new photos at a reconstructed blockhouse near my home, so I will dress in my 18th century attire and take some photos and send to you.

Your skills in book-binding are definitely a gift from God! Although some of us are trying to learn the basics, you are the best!   George Cobb

I am absolutely speechless. You have created a masterpiece! The additional decoration certainly enhances its overall beauty. You have gone above and beyond. I am so very pleased at what I see. I am sure it will be even greater to behold when I have it in hand. Also, the bibles look marvelous! You are craftsman in the truest sense of the word.  I am truly grateful for your artistry and attention.  Your website is quite comprehensive. It must take you some time to carefully photograph and upload those pages. Nice job! I am awaiting your final work with great anticipation.  Blessings for a joyous Easter. Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia. Peace my friend, Steve+

I just received my rebound 19th century Book of Common Prayer. What an exquisite job! God has truly given you a gift and provided you with a ministry. It is apparent your talent is divinely inspired!   I can't wait to use this at my next historical service. Thank you so much for your attention to detail and diligence.  I will be certain to take some photos for your gallery.  Again, thank you and blessings, Pastor Steve+ 

I got the Bible yesterday...its beautiful..thanks.  Kim Robinson

Just received my NT. What an absolutely outstanding job. The gripping content of the Gospels are now bound in a very dignified and appropriate leather cover. I am eager to use this volume for Sunday service at an upcoming reenactment.  Also. thank you for the sermon pamphlet and, more importantly, your trust. I know I received my NT before you received my payment. What a comfortable and refreshing way to do business--especially these days.  Rev. Steve DelSignore

Many of my friends love the Bible.  Had a nun at the local convent do some old style printing inside the front cover.  The nuns loved the Bible.  The F instead of the S makes it a slow read which is a good thing.  Larry Rektor ; Ontario, Canada

Post office just dropped Bibles off this morning, all in good shape.  I'm humbled by your gift of Gulliver's Travels, and the Gospel of John covered in leather.  Stephen Caudill; (Daniel Boone)

It was good to see you on Saturday at Mansker’s Station!  Thank you for showing my friends how to make a journal!  I’m sorry that we didn’t have more time….I’d really like to make one sometime!  Carmen Heskje

I enjoy the Bible and pamphlets that I have gotten from you very much.  Tad Miller

It was a pleasure to get to meet and talk with you. You added very much to the enjoyment I had at Manskers.

The NT I ordered from you arrived today!   It is absolutely gorgeous!!!  I can't wait to use & show off this NT.    I will get you a picture the next time I get dressed out in my colonial garb.  David Clouse

I just watched your "How to Video".......I am amazed.  I wish I had asked you to autograph my Bible......  It is an art and I am so impressed with the attention to detail that you take.  Alex Steiger

Picked up the package at the post office after work.  They are beautiful and I love them.  Thanks so much. I will someday pass the Bible onto one of my daughters.  Glad I got one before you stopped making them.  If you are ever near Cuba, MO be sure to let us know.   Alex Steiger

Alex Steiger brought his Bible and journal into work and is showing it around.  Even those who are not practicing Christians like it for the work of art it is.  Great stuff my friend.  Dr. Brad Frazier

It is a work of art. I am reading it cover to cover. Please keep me in mind when you complete the Old Testament or any other book. I would really like to have a Gulliver’s Travels or any other period book. Dr. Brad Frazier

“After a lot of discussion about how we missed services while out, and the usual "why doesn't somebody do something about that?" questions, one day the Lord spoke to me.  He said - if you get off of your duff, somebody will do something about it!  YOU will.  I have been researching and preparing since then, and I hope to be ready in the spring of 2010.  I intend to begin by posting flyers about the camp, informing all that there is an itinerant preacher in camp who will do a Sunday service.  I don't just want to do a service, though.  I want to do a period correct service.  I want it to be educational as well as inspirational.  I want to be able to invite members of the public who may be there to interact with us.  I want them to understand the spirituality that was common during the colonial period.  I want the public to get a better handle on the Christian foundation of this country.”
Got it … it is a work of art.  Thank you.  Rich

You are to be commended for making Bibles. I know that is a hard job.  Keep up the good work.  Susan and Barry Webb
Received the Bible this morning.   Very nicely done.  My friend was impressed. Thanks a lot.   Cmuchalek(Vaya Con Dios Amigo)Stay Well and Shoot Often

Been gone all day and just got home a few minutes ago and my Bible is here.  It is beautiful!  You do some awesome work and thanks for the pamphlets also.  Thanks again I really do appreciate it.  Tom Black

I got the Bible today and it is beautiful.  B. J. Heitzman

I received your beautiful Testament in the mail. I am not worthy of it.  I will treasure it always as my finest example of the binders art. Bill Hockensmith

I've been meaning to email you and thank you so very much for my Bible!  I was so surprised to get it and its so beautiful!!!  Everyone that I've told thinks its so neat too!  I'm glad someone chose one for me, because I wouldn't have been able to choose just one!  Each one is so amazing and unique!  Thanks again!  Carmen

Carol and I would like to confirm that God is working through you to provide an important ministry to the 18th century living history community.  Your Bibles are visible and being used at each reenactment we attend (and that's a bunch.)  The power of God's word is in the hands of many people as a result of what you're doing.  Be assured that reenactors are asking about you and are keeping you in their prayers.   Frank & Carol Jarboe

Today I got an email saying that Bible Man is sending us 10 copies of the 1733 Bible, that he wants our students to be able to use.   I am so humbled by this kind gift, that I have no adequate words to express my surprise or gratitude.  Doug Bennett

Oh my goodness!!!  What I received in the mail late Friday afternoon was unbelievable!!!  I was thrilled to death, and just couldn't believe your generosity.  It came just in time, as we were preparing to leave for Friendship, Indiana to perform as Squire Boone.  Nancy took a digital camera when we saw your note and managed to get pictures.  Later, I will get more and send to you as well.  I just cannot believe your extreme kindness.  Thank you.  I am privileged to call you my friend. Mike & Nancy Rumping

It was great to meet you yesterday at Manskers Station!  Thank you for demonstrating and teaching others about the work that you are doing!  We all really enjoyed getting to hear your stories and look at the beautiful work that you are doing for Jesus!  Thank you!  Carmen Heskje

Thank  you for the New Testament that you handed e at Bledsoe’s Station.  I was taken aback at your gift and thoughtfulness.  I would like to pay you for this since you must have a lot of time and effort in each one.  Thanks you, Andrew Ward

Come back and demonstrate any time that you want,  Bill Maddox (Mansker’s Station)

Thank you so much for demonstrating your book binding at Red River Meeting House.  It was a blessing to all of us.  Tom & Dreama Ruley

Thank you so much for the Bible.  I’ll put it to good use.  A tool finds its greatest worth when it is put to work.  May God bless you and your family.  Eddie Eidson

I have enjoyed the New Testament and the pamphlets you printed.  They are both a welcome addition to my persona and to my modern spiritual life.  I now read Proverbs daily, as you suggested.  Tad

Thanks for friending me.  I went to your website. Wow!!  Your work is terrific and is something I've been looking for for a long time.  I have been doing first person Interp work as Anglican Priests for some time and have been looking for period Bibles and BCPs  You don't do BCPs do you? ca. 1770" George lll.  Anyway I love what you do.  Thanks.  Bill Stroud aka Rev. Jacob Duche' Christ Church Philadelphia, and Rev. William Currie SPG Missionary to Radnor PA. President 11th PA Regiment Inc.

Thank you so much for the Bible, Pamphlets and leather covered Proverbs.  I will indeed bless someone with your fine Bible and will pray about whom to do this for.  I will also let you know when I do so.  Your contribution to reenactors is truly a significant one.  Thanks again!!!  God bless you and keep you!  Mark Sage

Thank you for this wonderful ministry!  I am so thrilled to get this Bible for my husband.  Since we started re-enacating, I have felt that in some ways we left our faith on the back burner.  Now we have a way to spend our free time at camp keeping and growing our faith, and being a witness to others.  God bless you!  I look forward to meeting you one day.  Michele Luvera

I just emailed this friend of ours that we found out today that he had gotten one of your Bibles through his buddy at Mansker's Station.  He then acquired another one and they took them to Florida to a rendezvous they attended about a month and half ago and were able to witness.    By the way, this friend of ours attended the October event last year at Red River for the first time. I sent him your website and the Red River website.  Isn't it amazing how the Lord weaves the tapestry.  Darlynn Moore

It was an absolute pleasure speaking with you today. Mr. Steve Roberts told me about his conversation with you this past weekend at Mansker's and explained about your mission. You will definitely be in our prayers and I ask that God be with you and bless you in your endeavors.  Thank you so much for your time today, and also for your endeavors in your ministry.  I am, sir, your most humble servant,  Larry Mayes

Carol and I would like to confirm that God is working through you to provide an important ministry to the 18th century living history community.  Your Bibles are visible and being used at each reenactment we attend (and that's a bunch).  The power of God's word is in the hands of many people as a result of what you're doing.  Be assured that reenactors are asking about you and are keeping you in their prayers.  Frank & Carol Jarboe (Parson John & Maggie)

I received your lovely work of art on Thursday and took it with me to the Battle of Monmouth reenactment yesterday, where it was much admired.  I wrote down your website for a number of people.  Thank you so much for sending this to me.  Cate Crown